From 8,80

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From 8,80

Se registrato, con questo prodotto ottieni 34 Essense Points .


A specialty coffee grown according to the principles of permaculture by the Yanesha of Tsachopen community, supported with social and educational projects. This coffee was processed with the Honey method has particularly sweet and chocolatey notes.

Notes of honey, raisins, and chocolate.


GROUNDtoENJOY is our coffee brewing concept: coffees from the best artisan roasters already ground and optimised for each of the brewing methods, dosed for a single preparation and kept in a protective atmosphere to maintain their freshness and aromas in a 100% recyclable packaging.


Everything is measured for an optimal extraction. You just have to open the sachet and start a brewing experience like no other.


Find out why GROUNDtoENJOY is practical, fresh, fully traceable, and sustainable. Learn more


ORIGIN: Perù – Oxapampa
PRODUCER: Dante Lale
CULTIVAR: Arabica – Red Bourbon
ALTITUDE: 1650 m


Learn the story behind this coffee



Picapau is a micro-roastery that was founded in 2019 in Rome by Emanuele Bernabei and his wife Carolina. Their adventure in the world of quality coffee began in 2013 in Brazil, where they discovered specialty coffee in a São Paolo café.

Before embarking on an entrepreneurial adventure, Emanuele trained for more than four years at a Roman roasting company where we met and started collaborating. Among the first to test and believe in the GROUNDtoENJOY project, Emanuele is certainly a prominent figure in the Italian specialty scene with active participation in the SCA Brewing and Roasting championships. Thanks to all of his knowledge and experience, he became AST SCA Trainer in 2019 and manages consultancy and training in the association.

Today in Picapau he acts as the master roaster, personally taking care of the selection of micro-lots of green coffee and studying the most suitable roasting profiles, as well as producing all the roasts that the company offers.

Carolina, with a background of specialized training and experience in the field in Brazilian coffee shops, deals with the administrative part, with the management of customers and suppliers.

Picapau’s philosophy is based on specialty coffee. They work with high-quality, fresh, seasonal coffees, grown on small plantations often biodynamic and who pay fair salaries to the workers. Their aim is to improve the conditions of the producers and the entire coffee chain.

Specialty coffee favors this philosophy thanks to the traceability and sustainability required by SCA to be classified as such. Picapau selects the best micro-lots because they believe in an ethical and high-quality offer, and we are proud to have some of their coffees in our selection.


How to choose your GROUNDtoENJOY?
1. Choose the brewing method by clicking on the icon of your preferred coffee maker.
2. Select the format.
3. Set the desired quantity
4. Click on add to cart.
5. Go to the checkout or continue shopping.

How to brew with GROUNDtoENJOY?
Every sachet of GROUNDtoENJOY is ideal for a single serve.
Everything is already measured for an optimal extraction.

Check out our tutorials to learn how to prepare an amazing coffee with GROUNDtoENJOY:
– Pour-over Dripper tutorial click here
– Chemex tutorial click here
– Aeropress tutorial click here
– Moka tutorial click here
– Syphon tutorial click here
– French Press tutorial click here
– Clever Dripper tutorial click here
– Cold Brew tutorial click here


EN | 100% Arabica roasted coffee, ground and packaged in single portions for: see selected brewing method. Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Store in a cool and dry place. Coffee grown and harvested in: Peru.Coffee roasted in: Italy by Picapau. Produced and packed in Italy by  BERNARDI srl Via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)

FR |Café 100% Arabica torréfié, moulu et emballé en portions individuelles pour : voir la méthode de brassage sélectionnée. conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice. Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Café cultivé et récolté en : Pérou. Café torréfié en : Italie par Picapau. Produit et emballé en Italie par BERNARDI srl Via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)

IT |Caffè 100% Arabica torrefatto, macinato e confezionato in singole dosi per: vedi metodo brewing selezionato. Confezionato in atmosfera protettiva. Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto. Caffè coltivato e raccolto in: Perù. Caffè torrefatto in:  Italia da Picapau. Prodotto e confezionato in Italia da BERNARDI srl Via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)



MOVING TO THE NEW HEADQUARTERS We are moving to the new headquarters, all orders received from 24/02 will be shipped starting from 6/03