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100% Arabica - Catura-Catuai
Roasted by Little Bean

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Specialty Coffee cultivated in the Leon Cortes region within a community project. This washed Arabica is characterized by its clean and fresh cup. Caramel and white grape notes that are easily perceived with a filter extraction.

Notes: Caramel, grape and floral.


GROUNDtoENJOY is our coffee brewing concept: coffees from the best artisan roasters already ground and optimised for each of the brewing methods, dosed for a single preparation and kept in a protective atmosphere to maintain their freshness and aromas in a 100% recyclable packaging.


Everything is measured for an optimal extraction. You just have to open the sachet and start a brewing experience like no other.


Find out why GROUNDtoENJOY is practical, fresh, fully traceable, and sustainable. Learn more


ORIGIN: Costa Rica – Leon Cortes
PRODUCER: Small farmers from the San Antonio community
WASHING STATION: San Antonio – Cooppetarrazu
CULTIVAR: Arabica – Caturra-Catuai
ALTITUDE: 1700-1950 masl
HARVEST TYPE: selective picking
METHOD: Fully washed

Learn the story behind this coffee



Little Bean is a micro-roaster founded in 2013 by Andrea Lattauda and Mariano Semino of 9bar, a reference point for the professional training of baristas and roasters. The coffee culture acquired over the years and the profound knowledge of the raw materials has been crystallized with this ambitious project promotes more and more the culture of fine coffee.

In recent years they have specialized in particular in the micro-batches niche of specialty coffee roasting with their Petroncini TT15. This roasting machine featuring an advanced technology makes it possible to modulate and replicate the roasting profile of each coffee to enhance its individual characteristics. As trainers, Andrea and Mariano have transmitted to us the culture and respect for this extraordinary product and today in each of their coffees we get to rediscover the passion that sets them apart.


Check out the available coffees by Little Bean in the GROUNDtoENJOY format


How to choose your GROUNDtoENJOY?
1. Choose the brewing method by clicking on the icon of your preferred coffee maker.
2. Select the format.
3. Set the desired quantity
4. Click on add to cart.
5. Go to the checkout or continue shopping.


How to brew with GROUNDtoENJOY?
Every sachet of GROUNDtoENJOY is ideal for a single serve.
Everything is already measured for an optimal extraction.


Check out our tutorials to learn how to prepare an amazing coffee with GROUNDtoENJOY:
Pour-over Dripper tutorial click here
Chemex tutorial click here
Aeropress tutorial click here
Moka tutorial click here
Syphon tutorial click here
French Press tutorial click here
Clever Dripper tutorial click here
Cold Brew tutorial click here


IT | Caffè 100% Arabica torrefatto, macinato e confezionato in singole porzioni per: vedi sotto ( ). Confezionato in atmosfera protettiva / Conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro fine: vedi sotto ( ) / Caffè coltivato e raccolto in: vedi sotto ( ) / Caffè torrefatto in: vedi sotto ( ) / Prodotto e confezionato in Italia da BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)   EN | 100% Arabica roasted coffee, ground and packaged in single portions for: see below ( ). Packaged in a protective atmosphere / Store in a cool and dry place. Best before end: see below ( ) / Coffee grown and harvested in: see below ( ) / Coffee roasted in: see below ( ) / Produced and packed in Italy by BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)   FR | Café 100% Arabica torréfié, moulu et conditionné en portions individuelles pour : voir ci-dessous ( ). Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice / Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. À consommer de préférence avant fin : voir ci-dessous ( ) / Café cultivé et récolté en : voir ci-dessous ( ) / Café torréfié en : voir ci-dessous ( ) / Produit et emballé en Italie par BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)   DE | 100% gerösteter Arabica-Kaffee, gemahlen und in Einzelportionen verpackt durch: siehe unten ( ). Unter Schutzatmosphäre verpackt. / Kühl und trocken lagern. Mindestens haltbar bis Ende: siehe unten ( ) / Kaffee angebaut und geerntet in: siehe unten ( ) / Kaffee geröstet durch: siehe unten ( ) / In Italien produziert und verpackt von BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)   ES | Café 100% Arábica tostado, molido y envasado en porciones individuales para: ver abajo ( ). Envasado en atmósfera protectora. / Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco. Consumir preferentemente antes del fin de: ver abajo ( ) / Café cultivado y cosechado en: ver abajo ( ) / Café tostado en: ver abajo ( ) / Producido y empaquetado en Italia por BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)



MOVING TO THE NEW HEADQUARTERS We are moving to the new headquarters, all orders received from 24/02 will be shipped starting from 6/03