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The Starter Kit with GROUNDtoENJOY is the perfect bundle for those who want to enjoy the true essence of Cold Drip Coffee.

This kit contains:
– 1 BRRREWER ICE by Essense
– 1 Taste Pack Mix (4 sachets of GROUNDtoENJOY for Cold Brew)


BRRREWER is a cold drip coffee maker developed by ESSENSE. Launched through Kickstarter (crowdfunding platform) in June 2019. BRRREWER does not require any paper filters as it utilises two reusable microfiltration membranes to ensure even saturation of ground coffee and a resulting drink free of sediments.


The Taste Pack for Cold Brew is a package with diverse coffees between Blend, Single Origin, and Specialty perfectly ground for BRRREWER and dosed for 450ml of water, packed in single doses under a protective atmosphere that guarantees freshness and aroma in the GROUNDtoENJOY format in a 100% recyclable packaging.


Roll Box 100g (4 pcs of 25 g each)


Brewing method: Cold Drip Brew

GROUNDtoENJOY for: Cold Brew (use 1 GtE for 450 ml of water)
Discover the coffees that are available in our GROUNDtoENJOY format for Cold Brew
Check out our selection

Follow our tutorial to find out how to prepare delicious cold brew with BRRREWER by ESSENSE
Check out our tutorial

Kickstarter Video

Unboxing & Tutorial

Spare Parts

• Carafe
• Filters
• Coffee basket 
• Water tank


IT | Caffè 100% Arabica torrefatto, macinato e confezionato in singole porzioni per: vedi sotto ( ). Confezionato in atmosfera protettiva / Conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro fine: vedi sotto ( ) / Caffè coltivato e raccolto in: vedi sotto ( ) / Caffè torrefatto in: vedi sotto ( ) / Prodotto e confezionato in Italia da BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)


EN | 100% Arabica roasted coffee, ground and packaged in single portions for: see below ( ). Packaged in a protective atmosphere / Store in a cool and dry place. Best before end: see below ( ) / Coffee grown and harvested in: see below ( ) / Coffee roasted in: see below ( ) / Produced and packed in Italy by BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)


FR | Café 100% Arabica torréfié, moulu et conditionné en portions individuelles pour : voir ci-dessous ( ). Conditionné sous atmosphère protectrice / Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. À consommer de préférence avant fin : voir ci-dessous ( ) / Café cultivé et récolté en : voir ci-dessous ( ) / Café torréfié en : voir ci-dessous ( ) / Produit et emballé en Italie par BERNARDI srl – via Caduti sul Don, 1 -12020 Villar San Costanzo (CN)

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